Competitions for Young Athletes

We encourage all athletes to compete in running, jumping and throwing challenges and be part of our club teams. We offer year round opportunities and additionally highlight relevant Open Events which athletes may be interested in competing in as individuals:

To contact the Team Managers of if you have any enquiries email

Summer Season

For summer club events, registration will take place early March here (only live when nearing the Summer Season)

Quad Kids (Primary School)

A series of 3 completions on Monday evenings (6.00 – 8.30pm) hosted at Coventry, Rugby and Nuneaton. All athletes compete in 75m, 600m, howler throw and long jump together with athletes from other local clubs. A great opportunity to have fun – all members in school years 3-6 are encouraged to take part. Advance registration is needed so if you are interested please complete this form and await to hear back from the Team Managers Elaine and Gary (email:

We also tend to do a Quadrathlon alongside the Godiva Classic (our inclusive flagship event)

Heart of England Athletics League (U11-U17)

A series of 3 matches with track and field events on Sundays (June & July) at different athletics tracks in the Midlands region. It is a localised competition designed for an introduction to competition for a broader range of athletes. The club enters teams for all age groups from under 11 to under 17. If you would like to be considered for selection, email Team Managers Elaine and Gary (email:

Youth Development League (YDL) – Lower (U13 and U15 Year 6-9), Upper (U17 and U20)

A series of 4 matches with track and field events on Saturdays/Sundays across April, May, June and July at different athletics tracks in the Midlands region with a national Final that takes place in September. The club enters teams (as a composite with Leamington Cycling and Athletics Club) into both the lower and upper YDL leagues. If you would like to be considered for selection, email (email:

Charlie Kelly Speed Series

A series of 3 open meetings for speed athletes in April, May, and June. Which is open to club members (predominantly U15 upwards) to compete in 100m, 200m, 400m, relays, sprint and long hurdles.


  • Family Days – one for all the family to get involved with
  • Godiva Classic – our disability flagship event that pulls in athletes from across the globe
  • Termly Team Challenges to introduce different forms of competition
  • Various opens locally – ask your coach if appropriate and for recommendations
  • International Children’s Games

Winter Season

For winter club events, registration will take place early September here (only live when nearing the Winter Season)


Sportshall Athletics

Typically 5 competitions designed to encourage broad participation with an emphasis on fun taking place from 6.30 – 9.30pm on selected Friday evenings from October to March. All athletes get the opportunity to take part in running, jumping and throwing challenges against other clubs in the county. Whilst it is open to all athletes in U11, U13 and U15 age groups, we have not entered the league for the 2022/23 season.

Various optional indoor opens

Typically Birmingham and Loughborough for Midlands events.


West Midlands Young Athletes Cross Country League

A series of 5 cross country races on Sunday mornings at different West Midlands venues. We enter teams in Under 11 and above categories – athletes must be aged 9 and above on the day of each race. Under 11 athletes run 1600m, Under 13 athletes run 2400m. Registration takes place in early September on this link.

Godiva Young Athletes Cross Country Series

Contains three 1 mile races at Godiva taking place over the winter as part of our Sunday morning training sessions in December, January and February. Work on improving your time over the 3 races. It is for all athletes in school years 3 to 7. Typically for those new to Cross Country as it will fall on the same weekend as the Cross Country League Races.

Lesley Mallows 800m Track Challenge

Run with athletes of your age in an annual 2 lap track challenge in memory of Godiva Athlete, Lesley Mallows Bates. This will form part of a Club Championships on the 10th of September 2023.